High-Volume Hiring

Smart, simple hiring solutions to quickly and easily manage high volumes of applicants.

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Hire Great People, Fast!

Our engaging job simulations, pre-employment tests, and virtual interviews cut time and cost to hire while boosting productivity and profits. Ideal for high-volume employers like:

  • Attractions & Hospitality
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Goods & Services
  • Contact Centers & BPOs
  • Financial Services
  • Insurance & Healthcare
  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Travel
  • Warehouse & Distribution Centers

"We are hiring better candidates in half the time."

- Chris Tillman, Sr. Director of Operations, Chick-fil-A, Waco, TX

Fun and Engaging for Candidates

Why not offer a screening process your candidates will actually enjoy?

Blending the latest simulation, gaming, and assessment technologies, our virtual environments create a fun experience for candidates while predicting job success with scientific precision.

“I feel the whole process was fast, fun, and efficient.”

- Job Candidate

Cut Turnover, Boost Service Quality

Designed specifically for today's fast-paced jobs, our high-volume hiring solutions help clients:

  • Reduce time-to-hire by up to 90%
  • Reduce interview time by 75%
  • Cut employee turnover by 20-50%
  • Improve performance and productivity
  • Ensure an enjoyable, fair, and unbiased process

Staff Your Organization Like These Industry Leaders:


Powerful Insights in Minutes!

Everything you need to maximize hiring, onboarding, and retention. All on one easy-to-use platform.


Tell your story and attract the best new talent


Save time and eliminate costly interview mistakes


Hire people who perform better and stay longer


Personalize employee onboarding and development

Success Stories

57% Turnover Reduction

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High-Volume Hiring Solution

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44% Turnover Reduction

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