February 1, 2023

We’ve all witnessed the relentless march of technology. So, it’s easy to assume that as our comfort and familiarity with technology expands, so will our proficiency. Unfortunately, we can’t equate digital consumption with digital literacy. Digital literacy shouldn’t be confused with the passive use of digital platforms, like watching videos or scrolling through social media,...
See MoreJanuary 11, 2023
“There is a major gap emerging between everyday digital skills and those needed for work…” – Salesforce If you’re asked to summarize your literacy proficiency, your answer will likely revolve around reading and writing skills. But, how would you describe your digital literacy? Do you begin with your computer usage? Do you mention software?...
See MoreJune 24, 2022
There was unmistakable enthusiasm as the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference was offered in person after being held virtually for the past two years. Every year, Industrial/Organizational (I/O) experts and HR leaders convene to discuss the most significant challenges and advancements to “the science of work.” This year I joined Mary Ann Bucklan,...
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