
Once upon a time, a customer service representative was a specific role in a company, behind a desk or answering a phone. Now every interaction your employees have with customers (potential, current, and former) is an opportunity to make an impression on behalf of your company. Every touchpoint with every customer makes a difference, and...

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Online Tools: Why Immersive Leadership Simulations Make Sense

5 Great Reasons Why You Should Try Immersive Leadership Simulations.   There is a lot of good advice about deciding who to promote to a leadership role, and when. That advice typically includes factors such as: People who are good communicators People who are top performers People who have expressed an interest in career advancement...

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PART 1. In an age of rapidly viral social media, your customers tell others about their experiences. Not everyone does that on a presentation stage before thousands like my brother does, but people talk. Are you driving people to your business only to deliver a mediocre customer experience? Recently, I had lunch at a new...

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Employment Technologies creates innovative and engaging simulation experiences that improve hiring, accelerate job performance, and inspire success.


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