Most business professionals understand that employment tests must meet specific legal guidelines (as outlined in the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures). But people often don’t realize that employment interviews are held to these same legal standards. How do you ensure that your interview meets these guidelines and that it provides a fair process for...

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Forecasting Employment and Workplace Trends. While this is not political commentary, forecasting business trends for 2017 is unique mainly because of the election of Donald Trump. As I thought about all that we’ve experienced to date, I wrote down the word disTrumptive.  Disruptive approaches to business have been heralded of late, such as those of...

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I began my career back in 1988. I was fresh out of grad school with a degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do, and my memories of pondering the options are a bit fuzzy. But one thing I remember as clear as day was the thoroughness of the selection...

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