Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. For me it signifies a time to pause, reflect, and thank God for our blessings. The blessing I would like to share is contentment. If we are not careful, contentment can be one of the most elusive blessings to receive. This year, which has been particularly challenging and unsettling,...

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Digital Literacy - The New Essential Workplace Skill

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, the demand for digital skills is at an all-time high. Comprehensive research released earlier this year confirmed that 92% of job postings in 2021 required digital literacy. This systematic analysis of 43 million job postings across a wide variety of industries and business sizes highlights the status of digital proficiency...

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The Power of Simulations: A Holistic Approach to Pre-Employment Assessments

In a tight labor market, finding the right talent can be daunting. Traditional screening methods like resumes, interviews, and pre-hire tests often fall short in providing a complete picture of a candidate’s suitability for the role. This is where simulations step in. Well-designed job simulations offer a holistic approach, delivering powerful insights into a candidate’s...

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