
Job Hunting, Employment Screening, and Valentine’s Day!   Applying for work is not for the faint at heart. Let’s consider an applicant experience for 28-year-old James. He is working part time to pay his bills while looking for a position that advances his career. Whenever there’s space in his schedule, he scans online job boards,...

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Microlearning Part II: Key Strategies for Success.   Microlearning is part of a significant shift in today’s training and development strategies.  To recap Part 1 of our microlearning series, there are three top reasons why microlearning matters to HR professionals: Microlearning is especially suited for the emerging workforce. By 2025, projections are that millennials will...

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Microlearning provides short, focused learning opportunities for employee onboarding and development.

It’s long been known that brief, repetitive learning increases long-term retention. And now, with the added convenience of mobile accessibility, “microlearning” experiences are more popular than ever. In this 2-part series, we’ll provide an overview of microlearning, comparing its features to the more traditional – or macro – learning style. Next, we’ll explore the relevance...

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