You want to hire the best possible people for your next job opening – right? If so, relying solely on the techniques that have worked in the past may not be delivering the optimal talent for your job openings. Check out the options below to evaluate new technologies that will help you attract and hire...

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Twenty years ago we launched a business based on stories. Where it would lead us, we weren’t sure. Today we know.  While Employment Technologies is in the business of employment testing, our real business is creating and sharing immersive stories about companies and jobs. How we go about doing this is much different now than...

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Employment Technologies President, Joseph Sefcik, welcomes you to our new blog! Subscribe to our blog for the latest HR trends and talent assessment best practices.

If you are reading this, then you have already found your way to our new Blog series. What that says about you is that you are curious. We want our Blog to satisfy your curiosity.

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About Us

Employment Technologies creates innovative and engaging simulation experiences that improve hiring, accelerate job performance, and inspire success.


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