In a recent email to our clients, I shared a short explanation about the same-yet-different American and Canadian versions of the Thanksgiving holiday. One of our expert proofreaders started a conversation about why I made this mention. Why do we highlight the differences? Doesn’t the celebration of gratitude transcend borders?

Employment Technologies is a global company. Yes, the majority of our clients operate in the United States, yet we never forget our customers operating around the world, especially those with whom we share a northern border! Recognizing what makes each client unique is one way we demonstrate mutual respect as well as appreciation for their trust in choosing us as their employment testing provider.

Thanksgiving for our team will be the American version, complete with family gatherings, prayers of gratitude, and the serving of traditional foods. I prefer sweet potatoes over regular bakers; and pecan pie more than pumpkin.

To follow up on the comment regarding gratitude transcending borders, I conducted a little research on the topic. I can’t help myself–I work for a data-driven company!

In reading various articles, including this piece from gratitude expert Robert Emmons, I was reminded of several principles that I believe to be true about the practice of gratitude in my own life.

  • Gratitude offers wisdom. In preparing to give thanks, if we pause and reflect on our own experiences, both good and challenging, we discover nuggets of truth in the lessons learned. Nothing is ever wasted.
  • Gratitude opens our eyes to others around us, inspiring and expanding our capacity to give. Acts of service, large and small, encourage our hearts and overall health.
  • Gratitude orders priorities. We can overlook simple yet significant gifts that we’ve received. A return to the basics is helpful from time to time.
  • Gratitude orients us toward much-needed community. When we are intentional with words of “thank you” through the day, we move beyond our circumstances and into the common good.

I’m somewhat in awe that in the expressing of gratitude, we continue to receive such gifts as wisdom, empathy, clarity and community.

On behalf of the Employment Technologies staff, we wish you a transformative touch of gratitude this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving from our corner of the world to yours!


PS—If you, too, are data-driven, I’d recommend this white paper on the science of gratitude from Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.