January 5, 2024
As you map out new HR initiatives for the year ahead, let our most popular content from 2023 guide you in charting the right course. Whether you’re looking to improve efficiency, bridge skills gaps, or hire with greater precision, check out these top five posts for practical tips and insights. 1. The Power of Simulations:...
See MoreDecember 20, 2023

Recently, the idea of presents and special occasions has taken on new meaning. The trend is to minimize material gifts and instead elevate the importance of the experience. A shared journey, group activities, travel and exploration. Doing something real. Doing something authentic! So, what could be more authentic than Christmas? More than presents, Christmas is...
See MoreNovember 28, 2023
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have become a standard tool for HR professionals. They save time and streamline the hiring process by automating repetitive tasks and quickly sorting through countless resumes and applications. Yet, a startling statistic has come to light: 88% of ATS users admit that their systems are eliminating qualified candidates. – Harvard Business...
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