
Each year, we join our clients in celebrating International Credit Union Day. We’re grateful for their business and for the many ways they contribute to the welfare of our communities. This year’s theme of Inspiring Hope for a Global Community beautifully captures the spirit of the credit union industry, most notably during this global pandemic....

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We were less than 30 days into the COVID-19 stay-at-home mandate when bloggers were searching for a substitute for “unprecedented.” No one argued that the word wasn’t accurate, but the repetition made us weary as we were reminded again and again that we had no idea what we were facing. As states begin the process...

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Recently I attended the Big Data Analytics Symposium held at the University of Central Florida (UCF).  Hundreds of students attended, most enrolled in programs related to the fields of statistics, data science, and information technology. I had the opportunity to chat with many of them briefly as they stopped by our table, wanting to learn...

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Employment Technologies creates innovative and engaging simulation experiences that improve hiring, accelerate job performance, and inspire success.


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