In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, the demand for digital skills is at an all-time high. Comprehensive research released earlier this year confirmed that 92% of job postings in 2021 required digital literacy. This systematic analysis of 43 million job postings across a wide variety of industries and business sizes highlights the status of digital proficiency as a now essential workplace skill.

In this post, we’ll explore the implications of this enlightening study and discuss practical ways to ensure your employees have the digital skills needed to excel in today’s workplace.

The Digital Transformation Imperative

From healthcare to finance, manufacturing to marketing, nearly every industry now relies on digital tools and platforms to remain competitive. This digital transformation has had a profound impact on the skills and performance standards required to thrive in a modern workplace.

According to this BBC article, digital literacy is now considered a “workplace non-negotiable.” The article explains, “Digital skills once meant having a basic grasp of computers. Now, it means being able to work adaptably and strategically across tools, devices and platforms.” It encompasses the ability to navigate digital interfaces, use productivity software, analyze data, and adapt to evolving technology.

Digital literacy is no longer optional—it’s the new essential workplace skill.[1]

The Consequences of Digital Skills Gaps

While it might be easy assume that most of today’s job seekers have adequate digital skills, research shows there is a growing gap between the online skills needed for personal use and those required for work.[2] According to the National Skills Coalition, “Every industry in America faces significant digital skill gaps in its workforce.”

Failure to address this gap can have dire business consequences. Here are just a few key issues organizations may face without a digitally proficient team:


Employees without adequate digital skills may struggle with basic tasks, leading to decreased productivity and increased frustration.

Competitive Disadvantage

In a world where digital innovation drives success, a lack of digital literacy can put your organization at a significant disadvantage compared to tech-savvy competitors.

High Turnover

Employees who feel ill-equipped to handle digital demands may become disengaged and seek opportunities elsewhere. Plus, this often puts added strain on other team members who must pick up the slack.

Costly Training

Without a digitally literate workforce, you may be forced to invest heavily in training programs to bring employees up to speed.

The Role of Digital Literacy Assessments

To address the pressing need for digital literacy in the workplace, market leaders across industries are now incorporating digital literacy assessments into their hiring and development practices. Here’s why:

Objective Evaluation

Assessments provide an objective way to evaluate a candidate’s digital skills, ensuring that you hire individuals who meet your organization’s requirements.

Efficient Screening

Digital literacy assessments streamline the screening process, helping you identify the most qualified candidates quickly.

Tailored Training

By assessing the digital skills of your current workforce, you’ll have an objective diagnostic to tailor training to each employee’s specific strengths and improvement needs.

Competitive Edge

A digitally proficient workforce gives your organization a clear competitive advantage, enabling you to adapt to changing technology and innovate more effectively.

The Right Digital Skills Assessment for Your Needs

To find a digital skills assessment that best meets your organization’s goals and objectives, remember these tips:

  • Make sure the assessment measures the digital skills you require on the job.
  • Look for an assessment that has recently been released or upgraded to ensure it features the latest digital terms and technologies.
  • For efficiency, consider an assessment that provides an overall measure of digital literacy, including areas like computer basics, online navigation, and common software programs. Many tests evaluate only one aspect of digital competence.
  • Check for a mobile-first design to expand your access to a greater number of today’s candidates.

With 92% of jobs now requiring digital literacy, it’s the ideal time to take a fresh look at your organization’s digital strategy. By prioritizing digital literacy in your HR processes, you’ll not only attract top talent but also position your organization for sustained success in today’s ever-evolving digital world.


[1] Digital Literacy:  The New Must-Have

[2] New Solution Helps Employers Bridge the Digital Skills Gap