What’s On Your Mind, Inc.



What’s On Your Mind, Inc., also known as LIFT Learning Centers, is transforming students’ lives. As a diagnostic, treatment, and learning center, they offer advanced neuropsychology and educational therapies that equip students to achieve measurable success. Headquartered in South Florida, this multi-dimensional organization is often called upon to evaluate students with varying disabilities for vocational endeavors.

To better understand a client’s interests and skill set, evaluators turn to Employment Technologies’ EASy Simulations®. These award-winning job simulations immerse participants in realistic workplace situations where they experience the same challenges employees face on the job every day. This engaging approach equips evaluators and career counselors with skill-based data as they guide and prepare clients for work.

Hands-On, Risk-Free Learning

According to Toni Shaw, Director of Vocational Evaluation Services, a key benefit has been helping their staff effectively match career skills to vocational opportunities. “EASy Simulations assist our evaluators with determining our clients’ current skill sets and identifying possible career interests. The evaluators also learn about areas in which our clients may need more support prior to job placement.”

Results shared in skill-focused reports can be reviewed and analyzed in a short amount of time. “Due to the quick turnaround time and easy accessibility of the simulations, the number of jobs a person can explore has increased.”

Another bonus is accessibility. “Even with the limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, these assessments have allowed our clients to continue interacting around jobs without putting anyone at risk.”

Knowledge is Power

Gaining clarity about what a job entails before pursuing employment helps protect the client from a costly mismatch. “I often use SkilTrak as many of our clients express interest in a career as a Data Entry Keyer. However, the perception of what is required for this line of work is often misunderstood. This simulation provides a realistic approach to the actual duties and responsibilities needed,” adds Ms. Shaw.

While many of the EASy Simulations are designed for specific roles, others target strategic skills valued across jobs and industries. “For instance, Virtual Customer and Virtual Customer – Sales simulations help our clients better understand the components of delivering customer service which is a universal criterion for most jobs.”

“The simulations give us a consistent, proven tool to help our clients find work that matches their interests and skill sets. The ease of use and other features make EASy Simulations an important addition to our Vocational Evaluation process.”


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