BPO American



“I can’t imagine hiring without the benefit of the job simulations. With our commitment to a distributed staff, the online assessment experience gives us confidence in our decision making.”

– John Curry, Executive Vice President of Operations


Located in the foothills of South Carolina, BPO American is a leading U.S. contact center that represents a wide range of businesses, including hospitality, insurance, healthcare, and government. The company has built a reputation for delivering the most trusted, reliable, and customized communication services available.

A People-Centric Approach

“The call center industry is driven by people, starting with those you employ,” explains John Curry, Executive Vice President of Operations. “We do everything we can to get that first step right because when we do, then the other people that matter, the customers, will be well served and satisfied.”

In getting the first step right, the company was drawn to Employment Technologies’ suite of virtual hiring tools specifically designed for contact centers. BPO American selected EASy Simulations® for key jobs including contact center agents, eReps, and jobs that require advanced multitasking abilities.

“We have found the experiences in the simulations to reflect the actual work of our agents, for both inbound and outbound calls, and general customer service interactions,” Curry reports.

Investing in Distributed Teams

“I can’t imagine hiring without the benefit of the job simulations. With our commitment to a distributed staff, the online assessment experience gives us confidence in our decision making.”

Curry also sees the value of job simulations as a reality check for candidates. “The simulations provide applicants with hands-on experience, which offers clarity about the scope of work and expectations. This is a win-win for everyone.”

Another component of BPO American’s hiring process is EASyView® Virtual Interviews. “The majority of our team works remotely, so having the ability to hear and interact with job candidates is vital.” Employment Technologies’ At Home Readiness Assessment rounds out their screening process, verifying if a candidate has the tech tools and connectivity required to excel in a remote work environment.

“Investing in our people, starting with the hiring process, is one way we ultimately serve our clients, who trust us to represent them in a professional and efficient manner.”


  Engage, hire, and retain top-performing BPO and contact center talent. Click to learn more.