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EASy Simulation® Virtual Customer

Introductory $299 Rate - Available for a Limited Time

A Fun, Interactive Way To Hire

Create Candidate Enthusiasm with an Engaging ‘Test Drive’ of the Job

  • Boost completion rates with game-like experience
  • Storyline built around real guest service situations for improved job readiness and retention
  • There’s no faking! Results are based on real performance

New To Simulation? It's Time To Try!

Mobile Friendly, Easy to Implement, No Special Equipment Needed

  • Expand your access to qualified candidates
  • Job candidates can complete the simulation on their Smartphone or any Internet-enabled device
  • Make data-driven hiring decisions that are legally defensible

20+ Years In Employment Testing

All Clients Receive Our 5-Star Customer Service

  • Additional features available, such as Virtual Previews, Virtual Interviews, and Virtual Job Rehearsals
  • Backed by 20 plus years of science and research
  • Award-winning technology and design
Employment Technologies - Simulation & Talent Prediction