First United Bank & Trust

Client Since 2004


“The new process creates the ultimate filter to make sure we have the right people.” 
– Chuck Olsson, Chief Human Resource Officer

If you are looking to create a holistic screening process that yields consistently high quality hires with employees who are engaged from the start, consider the success at First United Bank and Trust.


Founded in 1900, First United Bank and Trust remains on the leading edge by anticipating and embracing new technology to meet the evolving needs of their customers. As the bank began transitioning their staffing model from traditional tellers to today’s more complex role of Relationship Advisors, they turned to trusted partner, Employment Technologies. This collaboration resulted in a custom, easy-to-use screening process built around the predictive accuracy of EASy Simulation.


The information in the preview helps identify core values, the virtual interview shortens prescreening time, and the simulation measures key competencies. The simulation also provides detailed onboarding guides that help determine what development track is best for a new employee. Managers have a very holistic view of the candidate and can leverage that person’s strengths for their personal growth, and for the good of the Bank and its customers.


With a fully-customized company and job preview, an automated prescreening virtual interview, and the fully immersive EASy Simulation for Universal Bankers, applicants gain a clear understanding about the bank and the requirements of the job. The new process has yielded more quality interviews. By screening for candidates with the rights skills and attributes for the job, hiring managers save valuable time interviewing only the most qualified candidates.

It turns out the applicants engage well too. Talent Acquisition Officer Amanda McKenzie says, “Applicants say it’s fun – not dry and boring. They enjoy the customer interactions presented in the simulation – especially if someone is new to banking.”

This helps the bank create a positive applicant experience. Executive leaders at the bank are noticing the quality of new hires, too. “Our new hiring and onboarding program has made a dramatic impact on quality,” Mr. Olsson explains. “There’s a different character in the building.”

Engaging, easy-to-use tools, along with instant access and visual data that set the course for successful hiring and development:  these are just some of the benefits of partnering with Employment Technologies.


Contact us today to see if a holistic custom screening process is right for you!