This past week, two of our staff served as instructors for The Jobs Partnership of Florida, an area nonprofit focused on work readiness training for underemployed adults.  The training includes the use of our EASy Simulation® as well as our onboarding tool, “Career Prescription.”

Guess what captured the students’ attention?  It was the time spent highlighting their Career Prescription, and I think I know why.

While EASy Simulation includes assessment results and a Career Prescription, assessment results are just that – results. Our Career Prescription, however,  goes beyond those results and provides a written plan that helps employees move toward their own personal employment goals.

At The Jobs Partnership training, the students were engaged because the material was personalized and forward-thinking. They were given a vision for personal development with tangible action steps.

Unfortunately, in too many organizations, this step is time consuming, expensive and often missing.

So, I want to encourage you to consider two questions:

  1. When an employee joins your organization, do they receive a written plan for achieving job success?
  2. Do all employees have objective analytics that prescribe work-related activities that will optimize their performance – at no additional cost?

Time spent pondering these questions is a smart investment.  According to a leading online recruitment site, 30 percent of external hires are no longer with the organization after two years. And to replace those hires, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates it costs 25% of the individual’s salary. Personally, I think that’s a conservative cost estimate.

The simple fact is that employees advance faster and remain longer in organizations that invest in their personal growth and career development.

To learn about Employment Technologies’ onboarding solutions, I invite you to visit our all-new website. You are also welcome to continue the conversation on our Facebook page.  Onboarding is a relevant topic for those wanting to move ahead in their respective markets. If we can help you, let us know.